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Precision and Standard Partial Dentures in the Langford and Victoria Area

New dentures can be either complete when the patient has lost all natural teeth or partial when one or more teeth are being replaced and the removable appliance is anchored on existing natural teeth.

Both the complete and partial dentures can be built as standard or precision. The standard dentures offered in Victoria at Langford Denture Clinic are of guaranteed quality using brand name teeth (acrylic or porcelain) available in a wide spectrum of tooth shades and shapes.

Precision dentures, on the other hand, are built using premium materials, additional techniques for increasing the precision of the impression and bite registration, and using high-end teeth such as Portrait IPN, Vita or Ivoclar. Those dentures are processed with the Ivocap system to ensure high density, superior fitting and best functionality. When the precision denture package includes Ivoclar teeth, those dentures are known as BPS dentures (Biofunctional Prosthetic System).

Cast Frame Partial dentures are designed to replace intermittent missing natural teeth. These partials are made from both acrylic and metal. The metal part is either highly compatible chrome cobalt alloy or titanium, which are both ultra-thin, light and very strong.

Acrylic Partial dentures are primarily used as temporary replacements while the gums resorb (shrink) after extractions. They are not as strong as a cast partial and are more prone to fracture. Occasionally, some patients prefer them as a longer-term solution.

Valplast partials are made of flexible material and are suitable for tooth-borne dentures.

Dentures over implants are removable prosthetics that attach to dental implants for much greater stability and retention. They provide a solution to the persisting problem of the “loose lower denture”. Implants are a proven restoration option with a long, clinical history and an excellent success rate. Your denturist can refer you to a dental surgeon specializing in implants. Then the denturist, who builds the denture, and the dental surgeon become your team for a successful treatment.

Immediate dentures, which can be either complete or partial, are dentures that are built while the patient still has natural teeth slated for extraction. This type of denture is then inserted at the time of the extraction, so the patient never has to be without teeth.

What does BPS mean?

  • Biofunctional: The most important function of dentures is to replicate the form and function of natural teeth when it comes to eating and talking. 
  • Prosthetic: BPS believes in quality dentures. Authorization is given to certified denturists and dental technicians to create BPS dentures after a meticulous examination of your situation. 
  • System: BPS dentures are built with harmonized materials. Thanks to a cooperation between the clinician and the BPS certified denturist or dental technician, we’ll have all the information we need from your exam and a personalized and unique set of BPS dentures will be create just for you.

Having a healthy and attractive smile provides you with the confidence and self-assurance you need to face the world. When it comes to dentures, this is even more important for your comfort and well-being so you want to make sure you have all the information you need to get the right ones for you and your unique situation.

Dentures should look and feel as close to your natural smile as possible. BPS dentures are held to the highest quality standards to ensure they’re meeting the individual needs of the people using them. Your unique bite, speech, eating, and other oral conditions are taken into consideration when the dentures are being created for you.

BPS Dentures Versus Conventional Dentures

There are a few differences between BPS dentures and conventional dentures, including:

  • Teeth: Choose from our range of high quality teeth – from high quality resin to the advanced Master Class collection of Nano Hybrid Composite.
  • Set up: From exact impressions to measuring your unique facial traits and jaw movements at your very first appointment, we make sure you get the perfect set up with your dentures.
  • Processing: Using the patented IvoBase® Injector System, we can ensure exact fit, comfort and stability, as well as a high resistance to stains, absorbed odours, plaque and bacteria growth.

There are also removable options from BPS to suit any denture need and situation. See below for other options to choose from:

partial denture


Replace some of the teeth with the help of a metal framework and remove it for cleaning or whenever necessary.

hybrid denture


These full dentures are fixed in your mouth and include retaining screws. They will require abutments and dental implants.

implant denture


These dental Implants are used to snap the denture into place for a better hold and offer great comfort and stability when eating. They can be removed when needed, such as for cleaning and comfort.

complete denture


Using artificial teeth and natural looking resin for gums, this complete recreation of your teeth is for patients without any teeth. Impressions are important here as the dentures rest on top of your gums and need to be comfortable.

For more information about the types of dentures we provide, give us a call today.

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